Pro-Life Would Be 20 Sandy Hook Students Starting High School Shirt, Hoodie, Long sleeve, Sweatshirt, Tank top, Ladies Tees
A T-shirt to remind everyone of the 20 students who lost their lives at Sandy Hook Elementary School in December 2012. This shirt features a picture of each of the children and it reads, “#Pro-Life Would Be 20 Sandy Hook Students Starting High School”. This is a great shirt to honor the memory of all twenty children who were taken too soon in Newtown Connecticut by gun violence.
Hey kids, can you count how many of these are missing? A lot! We’re sure the founders who created this country would be rolling over in their graves if they knew what has become of it. But we have an opportunity to change that, don’t we? Let’s start by making Sandy Hook Elementary School where 20 students would have been starting their freshman year, into the largest pro-life demonstration ever held on American soil. Join us for the March For Life on January 22nd, 2014 in Washington D.C., and help save our children from abortion once and for all.
This shirt is to honor the 20 students who lost their lives in Newtown Connecticut, at Sandy Hook Elementary School on December 14th 2012. Those kids would now be entering High School, but because of gun violence they will never get that chance. This shirt is a reminder of how gun violence affects us all – no matter where we live, or how old we are.
After the tragic shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School, we take a minute to remember the 20 students who will never get to experience another day of school. This shirt is dedicated to each one of them and all the other students who have been affected by gun violence in schools.
This would be a great gift for any parent, grandparent or social worker who has been touched by the tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary. The shirt makes an awesome conversation starter and is comfortable to wear.
Would the world be better off without you? Save a baby’s life, adopt!