Education Is Freedom Shirt Black History Month African, Hoodie, Long sleeve, Sweatshirt, Tank top, Ladies Tees
We love our education and we love having the freedom to pursue it. This shirt is perfect for any educational or history enthusiast. Show your support for education in any way possible.
Educational is freedom and education is the key to our future. Black History Month African is the perfect opportunity to show your support for the people whose story it is, who have been fighting for their right to be heard, to be listened to and included in society.
Education is Freedom. Education is Life. At the young age of 7, Jaden stumbled into the world alone with only what was in his backpack, but he was determined to make a difference. Decades later, he has survived and thrived through poverty, violence and struggles against every stereotype that society had ever tried to place on him; even his own family tried to put limits on him as well. He started out as a young boy looking for an escape from his reality and has grown up to become one today a man who not only made it out of the ghetto but also paved way for others by teaching them the value of education. Celebrate this African American history month with these witty t-shirts!
Education is the only thing that prepares you to stand on your feet, and takes you out of poverty. Education is freedom.