CIA Catholics In Action Shirt, Hoodie, Long sleeve, Sweatshirt, Tank top, Ladies Tees
The CIA Catholics In Action Shirt was designed to help spread the message of Catholicism in a modern day society. Wear it on your office or everyday wear. A proper fitting shirt is important if you want your message to be heard by others.
Catholic Christians on the front! Catholics In Action Shirt for all Catholics who want to wear a shirt that says to the world, “I’m a Catholic Christian who believes in the graces of Holy Mother Church.”
CIA Catholics In Action is a social movement that leverages the church in order to confront the culture of death, the pharmaceutical industry and the political left. CIA’s mission is to awaken Catholic faithful to their political responsibilities and place in what is a predominantly secular nation state.
Anyone who wears this shirt gets a chance to be even more Catholic. In this world, where the Church is under attack by liberals and anti-Christs, your loyal Catholic chain engages in direct action against evil wherever we find it. It’s time God’s Army showed those who oppose His Church what actual Catholics have always been about: we go into battle against evil wherever it exists! We don’t ask or expect any mercy or understanding from our enemies; instead we are relentless in our witness to the truth.