I Tested Positive For Swag 19 T-Shirt, hoodie, Long sleeve, Sweatshirt, Tank top, Ladies Tees
“I Tested Positive For Swag” Tee Shirt is perfect for anyone who loves to take a jab at their friends, family or co-workers. Certainly this shirt will result in some laughs and good times!
We are thrilled to offer you this authentic I tested positive for swag t-shirt. This is a perfect shirt for you if you are a person who loves trend and fashion.
I test positive for swag. A true test of your swag is when you’re not even trying and you still got it! This shirt is a great way to let people know that they can’t resist you because they have no choice, they are infected with your swag!
I tested positive for swag. But it’s not contagious, just highly contagious.
You’ve always wondered what it feels like to find out that you’re positive for swag, now the time has come.