Is Potato T-Shirt, hoodie, Long sleeve, Sweatshirt, Tank top, Ladies Tees
Show your friends that you are from from Idaho with this “Is Potato State” t-shirt. Idaho is known for its rich potato heritage, and this 100% cotton shirt proudly displays the phrase “Potato State.”
The Potato Shirt! Do you really want to wear a potato?! No one knows why you would, but now, you can! The perfect shirt for doing whatever it is that you do at home, the office, or wherever!
Behold the Potato Shirt. The works of art are 100% cotton with colored graphic printed on the front and back.
This shirt is made from potato-based fibers, and when you wash it, the texture will increase (up to 25% thicker)! The potato fibers are biodegradable, compostable and smell like potatoes. In addition, it won’t shrink after being washed!
I call this the Potato Shirt, cause people ask me where I got it all the time. It’s incredibly comfortable and popular, liked by both men and women. It’ll knock your socks off!