Reading Rainbow Channel T-Shirt: Reading Rainbow Go Anywhere Be Anything Shirt
A lot of talk about Bob Ross and Mr. Rodgers but not enought credit goes to this inspiration to many.
Kudos, Mr. Burton, for making the childhoods of so many. He, Bob Ross, Fred Rogers and Bill Nye helped make children happy with a sort of magic that has been all but forgotten nowadays.
Yeah, so inspirational to you that you included his name, LeVar Burton, in the title.
If you didn’t watch Reading Rainbow, Mr. Rogers, and Bob Ross growing up, you have no right to call yourself a 90’s kid.
Reading Rainbow gets praised a lot. You’re just not watching the right mediums that draw inspiration from
Maybe because all he did was the same thing any other person could do it took no skill Bob Ross had a craft but why we comparing them at all anyone is doing good for the kids should be considered Heros.
I can’t lie rarely watched that show. I loved mr Rogers. He was corny but his voice was nice and peaceful. How can you not like a guy like that.
No one is discrediting or not talking about this dope because Mr. Rogers has a movie coming out later this year, it’s called advertising. Relax folks, hopefully he gets a biopic as well.