3 Writing Prompts to Follow Before Launching a New Blog

The first ever post made on this blog was my blog launch post. If you didn’t get the chance to read it, you may check it out. Reading that post will give you an idea of the writing prompts or things you must do before launching your new blog.

Believe me no man is an island, is either you are learning from somebody or somebody is learning from you. Either way, there must be a learning process. The ideal thing to say is that you must learn from somebody.

When it comes to learning, it’s not just for one person, even probloggers learn from their readers. However, the smart thing about them is they see things which most bloggers don’t see.

If you are reading this post, you have got an edge which most of us never had at the time of starting our new blogs. If I look back into the last two years of my blogging at NaijaTechBlog, I feel like I have wasted precious years that would have blown up my income statement. But I didn’t really waste those years, I had the blog rank PR2 in less than two years of its launch, grew a reasonable number of community of readers (loyal readers) and above all created several ways to make money on it.

So if I say I made some pretty big mistakes capable of pulling down a building I ‘m only trying to say that if I had known what I know today, I wouldn’t have done some things I did in the past. Believe me this the story of every blogger, probloggers inclusive!

Launching a new blog especially one with vision is like establishing a new business. There are very important things to do before saying hello to the world.

Most bloggers in the time of starting their blogs never considered doing some things right. The period of starting a new blog is usually an excitement era when all that is in your mind is to publish your first blog post for people to start reading.

The first post which ideally should have been the blog launch note becomes a post on “how to” or “top 40” on blah blah blah simply because you feel there is little or no time to waste as people are waiting to read your new blog, and so the blog continues the journey that way without first telling the readers what they should expect, topics to be covered or even the person behind the scene.

Remember I said earlier that launching your new blog should be like when you are starting a new business, it’s a business because as you advance in it you will probably like to gain more responsive readers, grow your network and then make money from your network. How you get all these to work depends on how you started your blog from day one.

So what are these 3 writing prompts?

I will make this as simple as anything so if you are expecting to hear big tactics, you might be surprise to see summarized points!

Here they are:

Write 3-5 quality posts including your blog launch post and have them published

Ordinarily, some folks will publish their first blog post and out of excitement head over to social media sites or even telling friends about the blog and the post they have made. Now the question is when these people visit your new blog and then read what you published what again will they read? You are indirectly telling them not to come back again since there are no more posts to read.

Having at least a minimum of 5 quality and well structured posts all centering on what your blog is all about will help keep them looking round your blog. The most important of the posts is your blog introductory post; it has a lot to do with how readers will see your blog. You can take a look at my own blog launch post to get started.

Write 5-10 Ready to be Published Posts and save them in your Draft folder

Judging from my own experience, the period of preparing for blog launch is usually very tasking especially if you are the one tweaking or designing the blog, creating social media accounts, and putting all other things in place. You can’t be writing and at the same time tweaking, you must do one now then do the others later.

The ideal thing would be to write 5-10 articles that touches on the range of topics covered on your blog and then save them in your draft folder. Having a ready to be published posts in your draft will help you keep your blog updated should any of these processes take too much of your time. So what you do when you wish to update your blog is simply to push the publish button.

Brainstorm and write down 20-25 post ideas on your diary

One of the greatest problems faced by many bloggers is the “writer’s block syndrome” This problem has killed many blogs and is still killing till date. However, there is a cause for everything just as there is price for everything in the market. The price for failing to brainstorm post ideas before launching your new blog is instant black out!

You will find yourself in a situation where you wake up one day and discover there is nothing to write about, suddenly all ideas have gone and people are beginning to wonder if actually you are up to the task, you will look terrible and lost and that’s where then the writer’s block syndrome will set in leaving you defeated in your blogging career.

Over to you!

What measures did you take when launching your new blog? I will like to hear your own story in comments

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