Why Is Content Writing Such A Big Deal and Dilemma to Some People?

Did you reflect very well on the above question? It has something to do with Content Writing Prompts.

Now I know what you are thinking right now! You are thinking that content writing is really a dilemma as I have said…

But is it really true? I intentionally asked this question to draw your attention at first sight and to make you understand one thing… that content writing only becomes a big deal when you make it look like one!

Yes I do agree with you that not everybody has the ability to convey a message in writing, but if there is one thing which I know, it’s the fact that you at least wrote an essay when you were in high school and college.

If you can write an essay and score a reasonable mark then you can write a content which anybody can read and digest! The only thing is that there are some things which you are not paying attention to and these are the reasons why you have failed in your career as a content writer or aspiring content writer.

I do not wish to make this article a long one so I will go straight to the reasons why you have failed writing a content people can read and comment on.

Let’s quickly go through them:

You Don’t Write with Passion

If you are a regular reader of my content both here on DailyTipsDiary and on blogs where I have guest posted, you will notice I always make reference to passion and also adds it as the No 1 thing each time I write a content that has to do with passion.

It’s just as simple as writing letter “A” You can never do well in what you don’t like or pay utmost attention to. When passion runs in you, there are endless ideas and creative mindset that moves with you.

If you allow passion to come into your writing career, you will see writing as part of you and coming up with what to write becomes something you enjoy doing.

What you need to break the fear of content writing is this seven (7) lettered words called “Passion”

You Plan After Writing

The second reason why you see content writing as a big deal and dilemma is because you always fail to plan before picking up your pen and paper. Did you notice the operative words here? Yes that’s absolutely true! You always plan after writing.

Planning after writing is what happens when you publish a content and then come back after some days to start editing it when you had already sent it out to the world.

Writing is BIG; it’s not just what you can do without planning for it. You can’t just pick your laptop or pen and paper and start writing.

Before you ever think of writing, what should come to your mind is that someone is waiting somewhere to read your content when you push the publish button. You need to ask yourself these questions:

  • How do I come up with a clickable content headline?
  • Am I really writing what my readers would like to read?
  • What are the possible needs or problems faced by my readers?
  • What was the last promise I made to my readers in my previous post?
  • Is there anything which needs to be addressed in the body of the content?

And the question continues…

These questions are actually the planning which you need to do before ever picking your pen and paper. Fail to plan before writing and see yourself fail to deliver that content which is expected of you!

You Write as if You Know it All

When was the last time you looked up a word in a dictionary? Or do you even have one at all?

Most times you write your content as if you have arrived. You see every word that comes your way as common and so give little or no attention to your dictionary.

As a serious writer, you always need a dictionary by you when writing a content. It becomes more serious when you are not from an English speaking country. You need to be sure and certain of every word you put down on your content.

No man is an island… it pays to be on the safer side especially if you are carrying yourself as an expert content writer. Get yourself a hard or soft copy dictionary and always consult it when writing.

Thanks to technology, you now have countless number of mobile apps to download on your phone or PC. A good example is Dictionary.com which you can download and use on your Android and iOS Smartphones. You can equally ask the big “G” (Google) to see a handful of them.

You Just Write and Keep on Writing

There are different types of readers who will read your content. There are those who will only scan and leave, there those who will read, pause and then continue reading and there are those who pay attention to the format of the content while reading.

Now your writing becomes a dilemma when you write and keep writing without pausing to check if you are doing the following:

Basic formatting

Headline, Introduction, Body and Conclusion

Content formatting

Sub-headings with H1,H2,H3 tags, bolds, italics, underlining and images.

Bolds, italics, underlining are always used to shoot out the keywords or phrases used in the content and also to get a reader’s attention to an important part of the content while images are used to support the topic of your writing.

What Again Makes Your Content Writing a Dilemma?

This will be my final words to you…

You see writing as a big deal because you always fail to “Simplify your writing.” Believe me is not everybody that knows those big grammars which you have learned from Harvard University.

As a content writer, your primary goal would be to write a content which anybody can read irrespective of how good or bad their English may be.

Will You Act Today?

It’s high time you stopped seeing content writing as a big deal and dilemma…

Many of your competitors have crossed over the river of writing wonders and are already writing for traffic and money!

Here is what you may like: 21 Creative Content Writing Prompts to Help You Fight Writer’s Block

Now is the time to act…

So let me round up this post by bringing up the question again – why is content writing a big and a dilemma to some people?

Let me hear you in comment….

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