Basic but Powerful Link Pyramid Strategy with FCS Networker

It is undeniable that this basic link pyramid strategy is my first and best choice. It allows you to link high-quality backlink to your money site, extends your network by super mass links and improves the index rate. With only 2 steps, creating a small niche network for you 1st tier and larger 2nd tier network.

1st Tier Network – High Quality

High-quality links should be the top priority of your 1st tier networks. At least 1-2 sets of accounts for this network for both Blogging and Social sites is recommended. For instance you own a site in the insurance niche, you make this 1st tier network your quality “Insurance” network and reuse the web 2.0’s for other money sites you have in the insurance niche. You should provide these properties with the best content possible for higher credibility and more favor from the customers. Either custom spun titles or descriptions would work for this 1st tier network. Always remember that these are the bridges to your money site.

For the blogging sites, you are free to choose between using syndicated content or spun one, but I prefer the former. The content is available on our Article Directory scraper on the “Articles” page in the FCS Networker web tool. But if you prefer things to be simple, you may want to go to “Add Projects” page trying our “Auto-Content Syndication”. “Web” setting would do a great job getting the most relevant content for your niche. 1-2 articles for each property without links is ideal to me.

Within this first set of articles, some blurbs will make them more like curated content than straight content. On general, curated content is adding personal article to your site with a bit of commentary. This will put your site much more attractive and likely to get on top searching results.

The point is to build our properties from high-quality niche relevant articles, but do not hand out the links foremost. Add them slowly one by one. If you jump straight into providing properties that link to your money site, your account is likely to be titled “spam” and get banned, especially some strict 2.0 web sites. Bear in mind that, “warming up” is always important.

The project should last about 1 week. You can burn the process, but SEO is all about patience. The more patient you are, the more successful you become.

Once you have finished with the articles, let’s turn to build the links. Personally I prefer high quality unique content, but you might not. Just remember that whatever your 1sr tier links may be about, it should be relevant to the content. Then I would submit 1 article to each of the sites, which might last up 3 weeks. Some additional authority links in the articles will make things more natural, those like wiki,,,…

Some branded anchor text is also important. Do not abuse key work rich anchor text because it will have you penalized , while trying to keep balance between branded and keyword where to buy accutane online yahoo answers anchors. Branded anchors like your sites URL, site name,… are all available on our Anchor Text Generator tool in the SEO Tools section.

Finally, do not put too much effort on the social cites. These social sites often limit characters. I would create highly spun short posts of about 4-6 words. Then a few posts with no links to warming up the sites would come out over one or two weeks, all across the 1st tier.

2nd Tier Network – Web 2.0 Links

Let’s come to the next step. With such high quality link on hand, now we add some medium links to expand your network. This is the second level of link pyramid. The goal of the 2nd tier will be leading customers towards your first tier of backlinks. I would like to create many sets of web 2.0 properties or Wikis. If you build 80 tier-1 blogS, each of this contains 5 pages as a tier-2, you will have nearly a half of thousand in this tier-2 link network. I always appreciate a few sets of social sites for 2nd tier as a huge improvement.

Note this key point that these contents don’t need to be as valuable as the tier 1 properties. Spin content is accepted at this level. But keep in mind that link juice does not mean unreadable and messy. For me, I highly recommend using “Auto-Content Syndication” option. It is simple but very effective. You can pick up many other tools if one of them reaches your requirement.

Moreover, some starter posts which do not have direct links to your money site but linking to those first tier sites can be used. I would suggest each blogpost or article of the 2nd tier network should link out to 2 tier 1 sites. It can strengthen your tier 1 links, help them get indexed and to boost their PR. This way you build vast amount of incoming links pointing to your money sites as pyramid effect. In addition, it also shields your main site from punishment of Google.

This 2nd tier network can be very useful for you to discover its value, I promise. For me I always interlink some of this 2nd network together with using link wheels on the other things to enhance the capacity of the 2nd tier properties. Remember that making a huge link wheel is rather dangerous because every site pointing towards yours. A significant climb in rankings can set off the red flag of Google.


You can have countless ways to use FCS Networker effectively. This tutorial above is just my own experience which helps you somehow. Try it yourself and find out what can increases the benefits. If you are a marketing greenhorn, I would suggest the Full Control SEO private forum where you can ask for some advice. Many great techniques are shared freely that you can add other types of link building into the process. Explore and be successful with FCS networker now!

Read more Why Should You Use FCS Networker?

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