Do you think I should do more work to make it #1 or do you think people are happy to choose from the top 3 or 4 depending on branding etc?

Andy McCafferty

Your thoughts pros please! My site is in the 3 pack for virtually every search term, it also ranks 2nd or 3rd in organic for most search terms. Do you think I should do more work to make it #1 or do you think people are happy to choose from the top 3 or 4 depending on branding etc? It would take a lot of work re back links etc to climb one or two spots as only large national companies with thousands of back links out-rank us for top two spots.

Thanks in advance.

Theres a big difference in clicks on #1 vs #2

Amit Raj Ranking increases take time and once you’ve built links, the juice from that link might not take full effect until 2.5 months down the line (according to a moz study).

Just concentrate on building more high quality links like this.

At the very leastyou’ll get the benefit of direct referral traffic from them. But… as the links start to get indexed and slowly take full effect, the results and link juice compounds over time, then you get some SERIOUS results. You’ll get there, just be patient.

James Slattery Yes, theres a big difference in clicks on #1 vs #2

Elijahone Wheaton The higher you are, the more clicks you get.

The more results you have on the first page, the more clicks you get.

This is why I like doing Google Ads alongside SEO.

  • Srinath Rangaswamy Yes. Try search Ads & find out what variants & branded keywords are ranking higher. If budget is available, go for competitors’ branded keywords. Mercilessly shut down negative keywords to maximize budget & watch your direct search increase.

Khalid Gaur Don’t worry bro, research on competitors traffic which are ranked one with most Business oriented keywords and analyse the CTR, in most of cases CTR is better for the Website ranked on 3 – 4th positions better than ranked 1st position

  • Andy McCafferty Thanks Khalid, didn’t think about that but it makes sense.
  • Khalid Gaur Andy McCafferty most of the people don’t know this, CTR always better a website ranked 11 & 12th positions than 8th & 9th position.Obviously, impressions will be high which will rank on 1st page. But, CTR highly matter

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